Welcome fellow seekers and pilgrims...

Like the pilgrams that sought out the early desert Abbas and Ammas for a "word" my hope and prayer is that a word can be found by you at this site as you journey on your path seeking God . It will not be one from my lips as all I have been capable of saying is that I honestly don't believe that I have any words of wisdom to pass on and maybe there are way too many "words" being expressed out there already. But I am being once again nagged terribly by that inner voice within my heart of hearts and so I must write. May the spoken words of my mouth, the thoughts of my heart, win favor in your sight, O Lord, my rescuer, my rock! (Psalm 19:15)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Recognising His Voice

"God is always at home. It is we who have gone out for a walk."
-Meister Eckhart-

Remember the movie Dead Poet Society, when a student in assembly pretended he was answering a ringing telephone and was God calling. Wouldn't our relationship be so much easier if we could just snap open our cell phone and call him or text a few lines while waiting in line at Starbucks for a expresso to fortify ourselves as we dash from task to task. Wouldn't it be easier if God would just call us?  Yet, of  the many calls we get from friends who need a consoling ear to hear their current problems, family members who need something picked up from the cleaners or the market, the kids needing everything including rides to the mall or games, and even the wrong numbers awakening us in the night or the calls we missed. None are like the call received from that student. Have we, you and I missed His call? Perhaps we just haven't recognised His voice.

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